Hello my lovelies! I just got the theme for this year's Relay for Life 2009 that will happen in March and I am putting this out for all of you! I will need an advertising board and I thought how fun it would be to have YOU be my advertisement! This is what I need: You must wear the hunt gift 1688 Frenchmans Creek. I need a Pirate picture -- the most eye catching picture you can take! The winner will have her picture on the ad board and also at the shop at Relay For Life! Also, I will give a prize of 1000 Lindens to the winner! Have fun, be creative! Deadline will be January 20th for all entries!
POST ALL PICS ON THE FLICKR WEBSITE SO WE CAN JUDGE AND BE CREATIVE!!http://www.flickr.com/groups/884885@N20/discuss/72157612596029423/
Hugs!Lemania and Summer
POST ALL PICS ON THE FLICKR WEBSITE SO WE CAN JUDGE AND BE CREATIVE!!http://www.flickr.com/groups/884885@N20/discuss/72157612596029423/
Hugs!Lemania and Summer