Friday, March 18, 2011

Never Fear I Am Not Gone!

Just an update to all of you.  Real Life has been very hectic and happening for me lately so I had to reduce Second Life.  I have sold my sim and have reduced myself down to a homestead.  I plan on making Lemania's a fun place to be again and I hope you all will join me when I reopen.  I plan on having a BEACH PARTY to celebrate with fun gifts all over the island for you to find.  The theme of the sim will be interesting to decide since I want it BEACHY.  Remember I am on the MARKETPLACE.  I have to update and list a whole lot more but I am not gone!  I hope to reoopen next weekend with some fun so please join me!


Monday, March 14, 2011


I have 2 new ones for you as specials - EARNESTLY and MOON DUSTED and along with that I have a 1L special at Lemania's Chic Boutique :)  Touch the Daily Notecard sign for LM to the Chic Boutique - its actually out the store doors to the left.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Collection of Shabby Chic Jeans and Wedges and Chiffon

3 new things out for you today!  :)  I have a collection of 4 jeans in shabby chic patterns with a white tank top all for 100L and also matching rose wedges for 50L only today.  Then I have the lovely gray CHARADE dress in chiffon -- it is truly pretty!  So come and see us today!