Sunday, February 1, 2009

We Love You Lemania group gift

Today is the start of the big February hunt day...and it's also the big Super Bowl Day. It made me think about how hard Lemania works for everybody--you guys have no idea how hard this woman works to bring you lovely clothing at an affordable price all while having a lot of fun doing it. So, this weeks group gift is called "We Love Lemania." It's just a fun cheerleader like outfit. WE LOVE YOU LEMANIA.

The dress is on the wall to the left of the door and is 1L for those not in the group.

The hunt is on is a taxi if you need. 1L for each arrow chocked full of new clothing items...each arrow is a complete outfit, skin etc. Enjoy!

Cupid Arrow Hunt

Saturday, January 31, 2009

GROUP GIFT & NEW LINE - States of the USA

Yes we are starting with a bang and offering VIRGINIA a lovely original dress with shoes - it is a southern charmer with textures from vintage bridal gowns! I truely love this dress and it is only 1L. Then we have Nevada - what do you picture -- sequins, silver cha cha showgirls - :) 100L today only! Then we have Georgia - richly designed, high prim skirt, no back on this dress and it looks awesome! TOMORROW is the CUPID ARROW HUNT with 50 ORIGINAL designs from Summer and I and then 30 - 50 more gifts from all the shopkeepers all over the sim! Come on and visit - all the landscaping done by Wondrous Strange and most of the sim decor is for sale! VISIT US NOW!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cupid's Arrow Hunt

It's almost here--the big grid wide Valentine-inspired hunt. I thought I'd put up a few outfits I have made for the hunt so you can get a sneak peek. See you at the hunt! Summer

Freebird and Birds and Cherries

We have a little tribute to the band Lynyrd Skynyrd due to the death of one of the memebers Billy Powell. FREEBIRD is the ultimate southern rock song! So we have Songbird, Blackbird and The Black Swan all on special today along with a freebie pair of Angel Light Wings :) The Cherries! Of course for the up-coming Cupid Arrow Hunt! It is getting close! Hugs!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


We have a group for you to join and all you have to do is tell us your real life birthday and you will get the Birthday Dress for 2009 including jewelry and shoes! This is an unreleased dress and you have to be a member of SL Divine Divas. You can go to the main building and drop a notecard in the birthday box :)


Exotic Destinations ...

Come fly with me to exotic locations ... MIAMI - wearing Miami Art Deco for only 1L today just because you need a dress to dance and party the night away before you leave for...
PARIS - wearing PARIS BOUND (100L) a new design with French Toile and black velvet and a perky little hat and shoes. After your week of shopping in Paris you need rest... relaxation in...
SHANGRI LA - wearing SHANGRI LA (100L) a lovely exotic gown, flowy, cool and soothing.
Will you return home -- I doubt it ;p. We also have a winner of the Weekly Flickr Contest - Laila Schuman who wins all the dresses above! It was a very hard choice this time around but try your luck you could be next week's winner!

The Rails

The band The Rails blog their outfits they wear at their gigs and they did a nice job on one call Martini Time from our store. I thought I'd share the pic with you--great, now I wanna go see them perform! You can see their blog here.

Ready To Wear

Thanks guys!