Sunday, October 5, 2008

Come my pretty eat the apple ...

Yes it is the Wicked Stepmother and her apple :) Only at the new shop I have at Hotel Dare and it is such an interesting sim and in full Halloween style -- Wicked Stepmother comes with the skin too! 100L only at the Hotel Dare location! GO GET THE WICKED STEPMOTHER HERE. ( IF YOU ARE DROPPED IN THE GENERAL SIM TP PLACE ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS LOOK AT THE ACTUAL SLUR FOR COORDINATES - though when I took the link myslef I was popped right in front of my store on the sim there). ** (see comment)


Kat Liu said...

I spent a fair amount of time looking for this outfit, and your store for that matter, at the Hotel Dare mall and could not find either.

Leslie said...

See addition to post - the Slur should take you directly to the front of the small store on this sim but if not look at coordinates and it should take you right to the store there.

Kat Liu said...

I used the surl and I tried following the coordinates. They are the same. They both take me to a spot in between two stores - Timberry and Ninia. I didn't think that either were yours but examined both thoroughly. No wicked stepmother.

Don't know what to think other than that we are living in alternate virtual realities. ;)

I even tried looking in your picks for this satellite store but it wasn't there.

Elisabel said...

reeeeealy like it!! i hope i'll find it!!

Leslie said...

Tried to find yo in SL Kat no luck lol - I put a copy of the Wicked Stepmother just for you at my costume barn at: HERE :) Hugs and enjoy!