Monday, January 11, 2010


Dear Customers & Friends:
Most of all friends :) Lately it appears that someone has decided that I am fair game and I wanted to state the facts and my opinion.
Since I began in SL as a designer my biggest belief as a designer was that I did not want people who are in SL to play a game to stress over credit card bills. I personally wanted to be able to dress nicely without spending the mortage payment each month so Lemania began as did all the hunts and all the specials and anything I could do for fun.
I am also a big believer in giving back - so we have a few things that I have a strong belief in and that is RFL, Wounded Warriors and Cancer Research. So I give to those causes because I CAN help.
I know that everyday in SL for me is a learning experience and I treat it as such. I learn something new every single day and that is the fun in this.
I am too old for the drama and not a drama queen. I have been attacked for giving too much, for using prozac and for using models to pad my traffic - my response has always been above-board and if I am treated with respect I will treat you the same. I was brought up to respect the feelings, thoughts, ideas and beliefs of others.
This latest attack with regard to GAMBLING and TRAFFIC INFLATION had me floored I have to admit. I began using models so that my customers could see the clothes and if they needed help is someone there to help them most of the time. To be unfairly accused by an unknown accuser is the worst -- to that accuser I say this --- I feel very sorry for you - must be hard to be so unhappy that you have to hide and try to destroy someone else.
In accordance with this latest attack - be advised that LEMANIA is now OFF the seach list and I will NEVER place this sim on there again. Therefore, any so-called traffic inflation will NOT apply to this sim because you can't search for this sim anymore in search. So if I want to use 50 bots I can (I won't but just saying lol).
So keep you LM's and don't expect to be finiding Lemania in search (as an aside I could care less about the SL search engine and never even thought about it - too funny).
So, ladies & a few gentlemen :) be assured that I will continue - regardless of the faceless, nameless attacks and do just as I have always done. Try to make SL a nice place for you and for me and have fun doing it.

Much Love


Laura18 Streeter said...

there are many of you that have known you long and respected you for your work and your thoughts; and I personally know some new ppl who have become fond of you as well. There will always be attacks, this is sometimes a sad world where the "anonymous" think they can get away with anything.
But remember there are others who trust and care for you.


Melu said...

This is the voice of an avi who did meet Lemania few minutes in IM and who started appreciating her just watching her creations.
I'm a fashion manager and i know enough of SL fashion to notice the Lemania's special mood in making her work, from the passion in creating clothes, to selling policy, to supporting good causes.
That someone could hurts so heavy her soul to make her decide to take off her brand from SL search also hurts me and all people who think SL can give us the opportunity to avoid the envy and the wretched hates that so often poison our RL.
On my behalf, i'll take care of her LM and i'll give it all people who want to know a great designer, a free spirit and who can recognize intelligence and passion.
This, despite i'm a Lemania's competitor in fashion market: i believe that this word is almost meaningless in a place where we all should stay just for love and joy.
Melusina Parkin
(MEB Fashion CEO)

beladona said...

I have always enjoyed your sim and respected your talent -- and as someone who helps newcomers, I have often told them to search for LeMania as a great place to start outfitting a new female avatar.

Please do not take yourself off the search -- and please continue doing just as you have. Ignore the nay-sayers!